Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My First Blog (sort of)

I signed up for an online 5-week workshop on teaching in digital environments and this blog is designed to help me think through the materials I will be reading/viewing for the next few weeks. I'm not sure if this blog will have a life after the workshop ends, but I'll worry about that when I get there.

About Me: Right now, I teach writing at the University of Hawai'i and Honolulu Community College. When I'm not teaching, I'm writing for a Veagan blog and working as the Head Editor for the Zombie Research Society. I graduated from the University of Maine with a dual degree in English Literature and Secondary Education Studies. From Maine, I came to grad school in Hawai'i to pursue my MA in English Composition & Rhetoric. I completed my MA in 2012 with a project about meta-ethics in the videogame Portal, which I find funny because when I started college in 2003, I couldn't program my DVD player. I'm happy to say my technological skills have come a long way since then.

My hope for this blog is that I will be able to document my learning in this workshop and maybe provide further resources to my peers on the Internet.

Gracias por su tiempo :)


  1. Correction: I earned my M.A. in 2010, not 2012--force of habit.

  2. Aloha Tanya,
    Thanks for sharing your blog! What is meta-ethics? The ethics of ethics? Is that ethical?

  3. Hi Greg!
    Well, if ethics is the study of what we ought to do, then meta-ethics is basically the study of the systems and values which determine what we ought to do. I think the "ethics of ethics" is a good way to put it :)
