Sunday, March 11, 2012

Challenges with Design in Blogger

I've been messing around in here, changing things, adding things, cutting things that annoy me when I go to other websites. I'm feeling pretty successful with one exception--my link color. In the scheme I've chosen, my links show up in my blog post as a very dark reddish brown that is nearly indistinguishable from the black. Now when a viewer hovers over the link, it lights up and gets underlined, but it is hard to see where to hover.

Since I am legally blind, I am very conscious of visual issues, both for people like me with genetic deficiencies and the deficiencies of age as well (I worked in a nursing home for 3 years). So I would very much like the bright blue color I've seen in other places. I'll probably keep fiddling with it later today. Has anyone else in this MOOC run up against this issue?

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